• Learn navigation in the outdoors using a map and compass.


    • Understanding map reading
    • Map features & application
    • Contour lines
    • Grid references
    • Understanding North

    Modules: 3 ​

    Duration: ~1hr

  • Crossing a river is one of the most dangerous activities during a hike, learn how to be safer while attempting a stream crossing.


    • Water safety principles
    • Understanding water dynamics
    • Water crossing techniques


    Modules: 3

    Duration: ~1hr

  • DofE Gold training is the third of three bush training courses that follows on from Silver training and covers the following;

    Environmental Care, Leadership, Trip planning, Clothing & Equipment in alpine environments, Food, Campcraft, Map & Compass, Route Finding in alpine environments, Water Safety & Outdoor First Aid.

    The course includes; slideshows, quizzes, videos and networking.

    Work at your own pace and upon successful completion an Achievement certificate will be issued.​

    Duration: ~10hrs

  • DofE Silver training is the second of three bush training courses that follows on from the Bronze DofE training and covers the following:

    Environmental Care & Respect, Leadership, Trip planning, Clothing, Equipment, Stoves & Fuels, Campcraft, Map Reading, Compass Use, Route Finding, Water Safety, Survival, Loss of Route & Outdoor First Aid.​

    The course includes; slideshows, quizzes, videos & a case study.

    Work at your own pace and upon successful completion an Achievement certificate will be issued.

    Duration: ~10hrs

  • DofE Bronze training is the first of three bushcraft training courses that covers the following fundamentals;

    Environmental Care & Respect, Leadership, Trip planning, Clothing, Equipment, Stoves & Fuels, Food, Campcraft, Map Reading, Compass Use, Route Finding, Water Safety, Survival, Loss of Route and Outdoor First Aid.

    The course includes; slideshows, quizzes, video, online interactions and networking.

    Work at your own pace and upon successful completion an Achievement certificate will be issued.

    ​Duration: ~10hrs


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